I just finished Taylor’s Gift by Todd and Tara Storch. Although it was a very sad story, it offered joy and hope too.  Taylor was the Storch’s 13 year old daughter who tragically died in a skiing accident during a family trip.  I can’t even imagine losing my daughters at such a young age.  Through this dark moment, there is some joy and hope.  Out of death came life.  The Storch’s were asked if they would like to donate Taylor’s organs and they said yes for 5 of them.  They have been able to connect with 4 of the recipients and the authors tell those people’s stories too.  Since then, Todd and Tara have decided to start a foundation called Taylor’s Gift Foundation.  Their mission is increasing organ donation to Regift Life, Renew Health, and Restore Families. Todd offers this statistic:  “Currently, only 4 in 10 adults in the U.S. are registered to be organ donors, yet there are more than 100,000 people awaiting an organ transplant” (317).   I would encourage all of you to consider donating your organs upon your death as well.  You probably can’t even imagine the restored health and life you can offer to others.  I liked what Todd wrote: “Organ donation doesn’t cost anything; you can’t take your organs with you, and it saves lives when you leave them here.”  (320).  This book was also very honest in how two parents and two siblings dealt with their grief and how the community rallied around them.