When Vivienne de la Mare’s husband is sent away to fight in the English army during World War II, she has no idea just how much her life will change. Vivienne struggles to take care of her two daughters and mother-in-law as the island of Guernsey, part of the Channel Islands, becomes occupied by German soldiers. When a couple of the soldiers move in to the house next door to hers, she finds herself falling for one of them, a German named Gunther. It becomes obvious that Vivienne has not been happy in her marriage for a long time, and Gunther seems to make her feel things that she hasn’t in a while. However, trying to keep her relationship with him a secret on a small island is something Vivienne finds difficult to do. In the end, she must decide whether this man is worth all of the risks and shame that come along with an affair with the enemy.

Although I don’t often read historical fiction, this one was very hard for me to put down. I felt many different emotions throughout the entire book, and it helped me to see what life may have been like in a different part of the world during World War II. I highly recommend the book to anyone who enjoys a good love story with some historical details thrown in. It is available through SWAN.